4 Benefits of Upgrading Your HVAC Thermostat in Hurdle Mills, NC

There are various ways to save energy and ensure energy-efficient air conditioning in Hurdle Mills, NC. A thermostat is an essential device that plays a key role. Here are four benefits of upgrading your HVAC thermostat to a programmable model:

Eco-Friendly Advantage

Firstly, upgrading your thermostat protects your indoor environment in various ways. For starters, a programmable thermostat doesn’t use toxic mercury substances like those found in older thermostats. Programmable thermostats use less fuel than older models, thereby saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint.

Programming Your Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to set your room temperatures to cool or heat automatically. This saves electricity without compromising your comfort. You can also program the thermostat to cool or heat your home based on when people are at home or away.

To avoid wear and tear, you need to understand how your HVAC system works. You should aim to program relatively gradual temperature changes. You can even set up suitable temperatures for different times of day.

Controlling the Temperature With Your Smartphone

A programmable thermostat has a mobile app that allows you to adjust temperatures anytime. You’ll also receive updates via messages regarding your air conditioning and heating. This feature helps you maintain temperatures at optimal energy-saving levels while you’re away, with an option to reset the device when you return.

Lowering Energy Bills

Finally, insulation is a great cost-saving mechanism. It gets better when using a programmable thermostat to avoid abrupt temperature changes. Learning to properly use your thermostat help you maximize your savings, especially on hot days.

You deserve better heating and air conditioning in your home, and upgrading your thermostat is a step toward attaining that goal. If you need a thermostat upgrade or repair, contact us at Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric for HVAC repair and installation services.

Image provided by iStock

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