Easy Ways to Stay Comfortable Indoors During a Heat Wave

Steamy temperatures in recent weeks have made life miserable for many residents of Roxboro, NC, and surrounding areas. When outdoors, it’s impossible to escape the thick, muggy heat. As the high temperatures bear down on your home, it can make life just as miserable indoors. Rising energy bills, hard-to-cool rooms, and thick, humid air are typical during the summer months. When there’s a heat wave, these challenges seem to increase several times over. Don’t worry — you can still manage indoor comfort without seeing skyrocketing bills.

Keeping Your Cool

Conquering a heat wave doesn’t have to mean higher electric bills. Your first impulse might be to drop the thermostat’s settings. Remember, however, that for each degree you reduce the temperature, you increase energy consumption. The closer the thermostat’s setting is to the outdoor temperature, the better your opportunities for saving. During a heat wave, setting your thermostat to match the temperature outdoors might not be feasible. Therefore, set the temperature as high as your household can bear and implement the following to help with cooling:

  • Use blinds, blackout curtains, and shades to reduce the amount of sunlight that enters your home.
  • Check windows and doors and seal any gaps.
  • Use ceiling fans to help circulate the air from the vents.
  • Wear appropriate clothing.
  • Try to use your dishwasher or dryer early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid adding heat during the day.
  • Cook late in the evenings and prepare meals that don’t require a lot of cooking time.
  • Drink a lot of water and eat plenty of fruits.

Prolonged heat exposure can have serious consequences and lead to hospitalization and even death. Remember to check on elderly neighbors. Little ones and the elderly can be more prone to the effects of extreme heat, and they might not be able to effectively communicate the extent of their distress.

Consult the Experts

During a heat wave, it is important to stay cool. Do you know if your AC is functioning efficiently? Schedule a consultation today and keep your household safe and comfortable.

For more tips, AC repairs, or to replace a malfunctioning air conditioner, contact the pros at Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric today. Call 336-542-5188, and we’ll be happy to take care of your indoor comfort needs.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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