4 Furnace Sounds That Mean Trouble in Roxboro, NC

With fall and winter bringing cold weather in Roxboro, NC, you’ve probably been using your furnace quite often. Furnaces should run in near silence, so strange noises coming from your system typically indicate trouble. Learn more about the sources of these four worrisome furnace sounds below.


Your furnace may emit a faint click when it initially ignites, but that should be the extent of the clicking noises. If your furnace keeps clicking throughout operation, it can point to a number of potential issues. In some instances, clicking means that you have dirty burners, but it can also mean you’re dealing with a faulty thermocouple or a malfunctioning ignition control board.


Much like clicking, a quick buzzing sound doesn’t always mean trouble, as it often happens when your furnace’s capacitor tries to give the blower motor a quick boost in power. However, any buzz that lasts longer than a second, as well as intermittent buzzing, presents a serious problem. In most cases, buzzing sounds coming from your furnace points to an electrical issue and needs immediate repair.


As far as furnace sounds go, whistling is one of the least worrisome. Whistling typically stems from air trying to get out of the furnace but struggling to find a clear path. If you hear whistling sounds coming from your furnace, you may have a clogged air filter that you can easily replace on your own.


Modern furnaces are much more technological than some of their older counterparts. As part of these advances, they have sensors in place that set off built-in notification triggers. If you have a modern furnace and hear beeping, you may have thermostat issues, problems with your burners or a problem with one of the sensors.

If your furnace is making strange sounds, we’re here to help. Call Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric so one of our service technicians can diagnose and remedy the underlying issue, and find out about our other HVAC services.

Image provided by iStock

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