3 Hindrances to Even Airflow in Roxboro, NC

To stay warm in Roxboro, NC, you may use a furnace or ducted heat pump. Ideally, every room in your home should reach the same temperature, but uneven airflow can hinder this. Here are three issues that might prevent even airflow in your home:

Dirt and Dust Buildup

Over time, dirt, dust and any other pollutants in your home, such as pet hair and dander, can clog the vents. If one room isn’t as warm as the others, perhaps there’s a clog in the vent leading to that room. We offer duct cleaning as an effective solution to this.

Another possibility is that your air filter in the return vent has become clogged. Make sure to change out your filters every three months, increasing the frequency if you smoke or own pets. Otherwise, you risk blocking air circulation and straining the heating system’s blower motor.

Leaks in the Ductwork

Sealing and insulating the ducts is a must for homeowners. Nevertheless, it’s not impossible for cracks and holes to develop and let the warm air out before it enters your home. If you feel cold spots in your home and notice that the system cycles for longer than the usual 15 minutes, this may be the culprit.

Failing Blower Motor

Like any electrical component, your blower motor will wear down, though issues such as dirt buildup will hasten the process. As it weakens, it won’t circulate air as strongly, which could lead to cooler temperatures in those rooms farthest from the air handler.

If you live in the Roxboro area and think it’s time for a heat pump or furnace repair, contact Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric today. We belong to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America, and our service technicians have gone through the training necessary for NATE certification.

Image provided by iStock

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