Do I Really Need a Fall HVAC Tuneup in Timberlake, NC?

Before the winter begins in Timberlake, NC, you should make a point of scheduling a fall HVAC tuneup. This ensures that your family remains comfortable throughout the cold season and reduces any unexpected breakdowns. Read on to understand the other benefits of scheduling a fall HVAC tuneup.

Beat the Rush

HVAC professionals are usually very busy during the winter season. To avoid the last-minute rush and risk of your heating system breaking down during the coldest months, you should schedule HVAC maintenance during the fall season.

Schedule HVAC maintenance this fall and avoid the long waiting list during the winter. During fall maintenance, the service technician will check the air filters and clean the parts of the heating system. This ensures that the heating system works well throughout the winter.

Catch Any Problems Early

You’re less likely to use your furnace during the summer, so it remains idle in your home for several months. During this period, different environmental factors such as dust and other debris can build up in the system, causing problems.

During a preventative maintenance service, your service technician will inspect the system for any underlying issues and fix them before they get out of hand. They will also replace the air filters and clean the indoor and outdoor components. You can take the opportunity to address any other problems with your service technician, and they will provide solutions.

Increase Energy Efficiency

Pollutants such as dust and pet dander will build up in the heating system and cause clogging. Ignoring regular maintenance for the system will make it work harder to deliver warm air to your home. A service technician will perform several vital operations during maintenance, such as:

  • Testing the airflow.
  • Lubricating the moving parts.
  • Testing the system control.
  • Tightening loose connections.
  • Testing the thermostat calibration.

All these activities will increase the efficiency of your HVAC system, thus reducing unnecessary loss of energy and lowering your monthly utility bill. Also, during maintenance, the service technician can fix any minor issues that might warrant expensive repairs or replacements in the future if ignored.

Increased Safety

A dirty or malfunctioning heating system will release high concentrations of carbon monoxide, which is a colorless, odorless and deadly gas. These emissions can cause serious health problems or even death to the occupants in the home. During fall maintenance, the service technician will inspect the heating system for any leaks, look at the gas connection and check out the burner combustion to ensure that all the parts are working correctly.

Contact the service technicians at Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric to schedule a fall tuneup for your heating system. Our experts provide maintenance and repair service throughout Timberlake, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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