3 Benefits of a Packaged HVAC System for Your Business

Packaged heaters and air conditioners hold most of their components in one casing. They look similar to the outdoor units for heat pumps or central air conditioners. They’re usually installed on roofs or concrete slabs next to foundations. With a packaged HVAC system operating in your Hurdle Mills, North Carolina, business, you can enjoy efficiency, versatility, and easy installation and maintenance.


Since all the components in packaged systems are close to each other, they’re more efficient than many standard systems. Some packaged units also have economizers that use outdoor air for cooling in mild weather. If you have more than one packaged system, you can turn the units in unoccupied areas down or off without making customers or employees uncomfortable. Replacing your company’s older heater or air conditioner with a packaged HVAC system lets you reduce operating costs by lowering utility bills.


Packaged HVAC systems don’t need as much space as most other models, and they come in a variety of sizes and designs. Packaged gas furnaces, electric heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps and hybrid units are all available. Most hybrid models have a heat pump and a gas or electric heater for very cold weather. Choose a model with an exhaust fan for a factory, a warehouse, a kitchen or anywhere else that needs great ventilation.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Most of the components in packaged heaters and air conditioners are assembled at the factory. Therefore, they’re easier and less costly to install than many other systems. Instead of a week, installation usually takes one or two days. Maintenance is quicker and simpler, as well. Service technicians won’t need to go inside your business and distract customers and employees.

Regan & Son HVAC, Plumbing & Electric is a Trane Comfort Specialist with decades of heating and air conditioning experience. We have an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and we can help you choose the best packaged HVAC system for your business. Call us anytime at 336-542-5188 for excellent service.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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